Source code for network.networks

from import Result, Hit
from protlego.definitions import logger
from graph_tool.all import *
from import fetch_id
from import *
import os
from protlego.builder.chimera import Chimera
from protlego.builder.builder import Builder
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple

[docs]class Network(): """ Graph constructor and visualizer Examples -------- hits = fetch_subspace(*args) g = Network(hits) g.create_graph() g.plot_graph(labels=['ids','domains','folds']) g.get_fragments() g.view_vertex(v1) g.view_edge(v1,v2) g.view_component(n) """ def __init__(self, hits: Result) -> None: self.hits = hits self.graph = None self.comp = None self.degrees = None def _add_new_vertex_universe(self, graph: Graph, o: Hit, boolean: int) -> Vertex: v = graph.add_vertex() if boolean == 0: graph.vp.cluster[v] = o.q_cluster graph.vp.domain[v] = o.query graph.vp.scopclass[v] = o.q_sufam_id.split('.')[0] graph.vp.fold[v] = o.q_fold_id graph.vp.sufam[v] = o.q_sufam_id graph.vp.fam[v] = o.q_scop_id graph.vp.start[v].append(o.q_start) graph.vp.end[v].append(o.q_end) else: graph.vp.cluster[v] = o.s_cluster graph.vp.domain[v] = o.sbjct graph.vp.scopclass[v] = o.s_sufam_id.split('.')[0] graph.vp.fold[v] = o.s_fold_id graph.vp.sufam[v] = o.s_sufam_id # Then the 400s in a different folder graph.vp.fam[v] = o.s_scop_id graph.vp.start[v].append(o.s_start) graph.vp.end[v].append(o.s_end) return v
[docs] def create_network(self) -> Graph: """ Creates a network based on the hits. It draws a node for every unique cluster and linkes two cluster when they have a fragment in common. :return: graph. A Graph object """ graph = Graph(directed=False) # Nodes properties graph.vp.cluster = graph.new_vertex_property("string") graph.vp.domain = graph.new_vertex_property("string") graph.vp.scopclass = graph.new_vertex_property("string") graph.vp.fold = graph.new_vertex_property("string") graph.vp.sufam = graph.new_vertex_property("string") graph.vp.fam = graph.new_vertex_property("string") graph.vp.start = graph.new_vertex_property("vector<int>") graph.vp.end = graph.new_vertex_property("vector<int>") # Edge properties graph.ep.prob = graph.new_edge_property("int") = graph.new_edge_property("int") graph.ep.ident = graph.new_edge_property("int") = graph.new_edge_property("int") graph.ep.cols = graph.new_edge_property("int") graph.ep.rmsd = graph.new_edge_property("float") for o in self.hits.hits: # vertex 1 if o.query == o.sbjct: continue # do not include links to themselves vertices_in_v1 = find_vertex(graph, graph.vp.cluster, o.q_cluster) if vertices_in_v1: v1 = vertices_in_v1[0] graph.vp.start[v1].append(o.q_start) graph.vp.end[v1].append(o.q_end) else: v1 = self._add_new_vertex_universe(graph, o, 0) # Vertex2 vertices_in_v2 = find_vertex(graph, graph.vp.cluster, o.s_cluster) if vertices_in_v2: v2 = vertices_in_v2[0] graph.vp.start[v2].append(o.s_start) graph.vp.end[v2].append(o.s_end) else: v2 = self._add_new_vertex_universe(graph, o, 1) # Add edge ae = graph.edge(v1, v2) if not ae: ae = graph.add_edge(v1, v2) graph.ep.prob[ae] = o.prob[ae] = graph.ep.ident[ae] = o.ident graph.ep.cols[ae] = o.cols[ae] = graph.ep.rmsd[ae] = o.rmsd_tm_pair # save the position pos = sfdp_layout(graph) graph.vp.pos = graph.new_vertex_property("vector<double>") graph.vp.pos = pos self.graph = graph return graph
[docs] def plot_graph(self, graph, fill, **keyword_parameters): """ This function plots the graph with customized labels fill = ['fam','sufam','fold','class'] keyword_parameters = labels, output (filename) labels can be: "domain","fam","sufam","fold","scopclass" """ if fill == 'class': graph.vertex_properties['class_color'] = graph.new_vertex_property("string") for v in graph.vertices(): graph.vertex_properties['class_color'][v] = fillcolors['class_color'][graph.vp.scopclass[v]] if fill == 'fold' or fill == 'sufam' or fill == 'fam': graph.vertex_properties[f'{fill}_color'] = graph.new_vertex_property("string") for v in graph.vertices(): graph.vertex_properties[f'{fill}_color'][v] = fillcolors[f'{fill}_color'][ graph.vertex_properties[fill][v]] if not keyword_parameters: graph_draw(graph, graph.vp.pos, output_size=(1500, 1500), vertex_fill_color=graph.vertex_properties[f"{fill}_color"]) if 'labels' in keyword_parameters: graph_draw(graph, graph.vp.pos, output_size=(1500, 1500), vertex_fill_color=graph.vertex_properties[f"{fill}_color"], vertex_text=graph.vertex_properties[keyword_parameters['labels']]) if 'output' in keyword_parameters: graph_draw(graph, graph.vp.pos, output_size=(1500, 1500), vertex_fill_color=graph.vertex_properties[f"{fill}_color"], vertex_font_size=8, output=keyword_parameters['output'])
@property def fragments(self): """ This function creates and prints out the number of fragments in the graph :rtype : integer, number of fragments """ if not self.graph:" You need to create a network first before computing its sizes." " Call create_network(). Exiting...") return self.comp, hist = label_components(self.graph) self.numFrags = max(self.comp.a) + 1 print("There are ", self.numFrags, " fragments") return self.comp def vertex_of_fragment(self, frag: int) -> list: if not self.comp: _ = self.fragments() frag = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.comp.a) if x == frag] return frag
[docs] def get_representative_domain(self, frag: int) -> int: """ :param frag: :return: """ if not self.comp: _ = self.fragments() degrees=[] for vertex in self.graph.vertices(): v1 = self.graph.vertex(vertex) degrees.append(v1.out_degree()) degree = [(x, i) for i, x in enumerate(degrees) if self.comp.a[i] == frag] most_connected_vertices = [x[1] for x in degree if x[0] == max(degree)[0]] # if there are several vertices equally connected, select that one # whose length is the closest to the average. if len(most_connected_vertices) > 1: target = self.sizes[frag][0] verts_len = [] for vertex in most_connected_vertices: start = int(round(np.mean(self.graph.vp.start[vertex]))) end = int(round(np.mean(self.graph.vp.end[vertex]))) length = int(end) - int(start) verts_len.append(length) vertice = most_connected_vertices[min(range(len(verts_len)), key=lambda i: abs(verts_len[i] - target))] else: vertice = most_connected_vertices[0] return vertice
@property def sizes(self): """ Computes the average size for each fragment. :return: list of tuples with the average and the stds of sizes (float) """ if not self.comp: _ = self.fragments sizes = [] for fragment_index in range(max(self.comp.a) + 1): frag_sizes = [] frag = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.comp.a) if x == fragment_index] vfilt = self.graph.new_vertex_property('bool') for i in frag: vfilt[i] = True sub = GraphView(self.graph, vfilt) sizes.append((np.mean([self.graph.ep.cols[edge] for edge in sub.edges()]), np.std([self.graph.ep.cols[edge] for edge in sub.edges()]))) return sizes
[docs] def show_vertex(self, vertex: Graph.vertex) -> Chimera: """ Shows the protein that corresponds to that specific vertex with the fragment colored in red :param vertex: A Graph.vertex object. The domain to be shown, :return: A Chimera object with an internal representation of the fragment """ graph = self.graph domain = graph.vp.domain[vertex] start = int(round(np.mean(graph.vp.start[vertex]))) end = int(round(np.mean(graph.vp.end[vertex]))) domain_path = Chimera.get_SCOP_domain(domain) mol = Chimera(filename=domain_path, validateElements=False) mol.renumberResidues() mol.reps.add(sel='protein', style='NewCartoon', color=8) mol.reps.add(sel=f"protein and resid '{start}' to '{end}'", style='NewCartoon', color=1) mol.view(name=domain) return mol
[docs] def show_edge(self, edge: Graph.edge) -> Tuple[Chimera, Chimera]: """ Shows an alignment of the two domains that the edge links with their respective fragment they have in common colored in red :param edge: :return: """ graph = self.graph id =[edge] hit = fetch_id(id) a = Builder(hit) aln = a.get_alignment(hit.query, a._get_pairs(aln) a.superimpose_structures(aln) # made with global alignment query_mol = a.qaPDB[0].copy() sbjct_mol = a.saPDB[0].copy() qstart = query_mol.get("resid", sel=f"protein and name CA and same residue as index {a.global_qpairs[0][0]}")[0] qend = query_mol.get("resid", sel=f"protein and name CA and same residue as index {a.global_qpairs[0][-1]}")[0] sstart = sbjct_mol.get("resid", sel=f"protein and name CA and same residue as index {a.global_spairs[0][0]}")[0] send = sbjct_mol.get("resid", sel=f"protein and name CA and same residue as index {a.global_spairs[0][-1]}")[0] query_mol.reps.add(sel='protein', style='NewCartoon', color=8) query_mol.reps.add(sel=f"protein and resid '{qstart}' to '{qend}'", style='NewCartoon', color=1) sbjct_mol.reps.add(sel='protein', style='NewCartoon', color=8) sbjct_mol.reps.add(sel=f"protein and resid '{sstart}' to '{send}'", style='NewCartoon', color=1) query_mol.view() sbjct_mol.view() print(hit.query,hit.sbjct,qstart,qend,sstart,send) return query_mol, sbjct_mol
[docs] def show_component(self, fragment: int): """ Aligns the fragment(s) of all domains belonging to a component, provided the component has less than 50 vertices. Note that all domains in the same component present a fragment in common in different protein environments :param fragment: :return: """ graph = self.graph if not self.comp: comp, _ = label_components(graph) else: comp = self.comp vfilt = graph.new_vertex_property('bool') frag = [i for i, x in enumerate(comp.a) if x == fragment] for i in frag: vfilt[i] = True sub = GraphView(graph, vfilt) if sub.num_vertices() > 50: raise RuntimeError("The component to visualize is too large")