import mdtraj as md
from protlego.builder.chimera import Chimera
from moleculekit.projections.metricdistance import MetricSelfDistance
from moleculekit.projections.metricdistance import contactVecToMatrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import re
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('protlego')
[docs]def calc_sasa(chimera: Chimera = None, filename: str= None,
probe_radius:float =0.14, n_sphere_points:int =960, sasa_type='total'):
Computes the Solvent Accessible Surface Area of the protein.
This funcion uses the MDtraj shrake_rupley implementation as a basis.
:param chimera: A Chimera object.
:param filename: Path to a pdb file
:param probe_radius The radius of the probe, in nm.
:param the number of points representing the sufrace of each atom. Higher values lead to more accuracy.
:mode In mode == ‘atom’, the extracted areas are resolved per-atom.
In mode == ‘residue’, this is consolidated down to the per-residue SASA by summing over the atoms in each residue.
:param type: Type of calculation to perform. To select from polar, apolar, or total.
areas: np.array
sasa_types = ["polar","apolar","total"]
if sasa_type not in sasa_types:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid type. Expected one of {sasa_types}")
if chimera and filename:
raise ValueError("Only a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if not chimera and not filename:
raise ValueError("At least a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if chimera:
structure = md.load(filename)
if sasa_type=='polar':
indices=[index for index,residue in enumerate(structure.topology.residues) if in polars ]
elif sasa_type=='apolar':
indices = [index for index, residue in enumerate(structure.topology.residues) if in apolars]
indices = [index for index, residue in enumerate(structure.topology.residues)]
sasa = md.shrake_rupley(structure,probe_radius=probe_radius,n_sphere_points=n_sphere_points,mode="residue")
area=sasa[0][indices].sum()"Area is {area} (nm)^2")
return area
[docs]def calc_dssp(chimera:Chimera=None,filename: str=None,simplified:bool=True):
Compute Dictionary of protein secondary structure (DSSP) secondary structure assignments.
This funcion uses the MDtraj compute_dssp implementation as a basis.
:param chimera: A Chimera object.
:param pdb: path to a pdb file
:param simplified: Use the simplified 3-category assignment scheme. Otherwise the original 8-category scheme is used.
assignments np.ndarray. The secondary structure assignment for each residue
if chimera and filename:
raise ValueError("Only a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if not chimera and not filename:
raise ValueError("At least a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if chimera:
structure = md.load(filename)
dssp = md.compute_dssp(structure,simplified=simplified)
return dssp
[docs]def calc_dist_matrix(chimera:Chimera=None,filename:str=None,selection:str='residue',type='contacts',plot=False):
Returns a matrix of C-alpha distances for a given pdb
:param chimera: A Chimera object with n residues.
:param filename: path to a pdb file
:param type: between contacts (contact map when distances are below 8 armstrongs) or distances
:param selection: How to compute the distance. 'residue' (the closest two
atoms between two residues) or 'alpha' distance of the alpha carbons.
matrix. np.array. An n by n distance matrix.
if chimera and filename:
raise ValueError("Only a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if not chimera and not filename:
raise ValueError("At least a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if filename:
if selection == 'residue':
metr = MetricSelfDistance("protein",groupsel="residue",metric="distances",pbc=False)
mapping = metr.getMapping(chimera)
a = metr.project(chimera)
matrix, _, _ = contactVecToMatrix(a[0], mapping.atomIndexes)
elif selection == 'alpha':
metr= MetricSelfDistance("protein and name CA", metric="distances",pbc=False)
a = metr.project(chimera)
mapping = metr.getMapping(chimera)
matrix, _, _ = contactVecToMatrix(a, mapping.atomIndexes)
raise ValueError("Specify a selection type: 'residue' or 'atom'")
if type == "contacts":
elif type != "contacts" and type != "distances":
raise ValueError("Please select contact type between 'contacts' or distances")
if plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cmap = 'binary'
cax = ax.imshow(matrix,, interpolation='nearest', origin="lower")
if type=='distances':
cax = ax.imshow(matrix,, interpolation='nearest', origin="lower")
cbar = fig.colorbar(cax,
plt.xlabel('xlabel', fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel('ylabel', fontsize=24)
plt.xlabel("Residue index")
plt.ylabel("Residue index")
return matrix
# def calc_FCR(chimera:Chimera=None,pH:float=None) -> float:
# """
# Get the fraction of charged residues in the sequence. (pH keyword allows for a pH specific value)
# This uses the localcider toolkit as a basis
# Please refer to it for further documentation:
# :param chimera: A chimera object
# :param pH: The pH at which compute the charge seggregation
# :return: Fraction of charged residues (FCR)
# """
# sequence =chimera.sequence()['0']
# SeqOb = SequenceParameters(sequence)
# return SeqOb.get_FCR(pH=pH)
# def calc_kappa(chimera:Chimera) -> float:
# """
# Get the sequence’s kappa value.
# κ is a parameter to describe the extent of charged amino acid mixing in a sequence.
# (
# This uses the localcider toolkit as a basis
# Please refer to it for further documentation:
# :param chimera: A chimera object
# :return: kappa
# """
# sequence =chimera.sequence()['0']
# SeqOb = SequenceParameters(sequence)
# return SeqOb.get_kappa()
[docs]def hhbond_plot(chimera:Chimera=None, filename: str=None):
if chimera and filename:
raise ValueError("Only a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if not chimera and not filename:
raise ValueError("At least a Chimera object or the path to a pdb file must be specified")
if chimera:
filename = "/tmp/structure.pdb"
mol = md.load_pdb(filename)
hbonds = md.baker_hubbard(mol, periodic=False)
for hbond in hbonds:
a = mol.topology.atom(hbond[0])
residue1 = re.findall("\d+", str(a))[0]
resid1 = int(residue1)
b = mol.topology.atom(hbond[2])
residue2 = re.findall("\d+", str(b))[0]
resid2 = int(residue2)
plt.plot(resid1, resid2, 'b.')